Yesterday I made this little wooden scoop. I got this idea from Patrick at Patrick's workshop so if you'd like to see a video of the process here it is: Patrick's band saw scoop
It started out as this, just a spare piece of 2x2
Then I cut it in half
I had planned on cutting the curve on my scroll saw but it was just to much wood for the saw to work efficiently, so this is measuring the max height of the scroll saw.
This is the piece cut down to work on the scroll saw but again it wasn't gonna happen. I'd love to have cut a bigger one on my bandsaw but right now it's down again and even if it wasn't the blade has too much flex to cut any type of tight inside curve. I think because it's an old blade because I can't adjust the tension any tighter.
Then I drew the inside curve using what circular shape I had on hand.
I finally decided I'd have to cut it by hand with my coping saw.
Then I marked where I was going to glue the inside piece to the back of the curved piece to create the handle. I marked it so I could sand the rest smooth but avoid that part so it fit tighter when I glued it. I also sanded the inside plane that my pencil is touching because these areas will be hard to sand after I glue it together.
At this point my phone ran out of memory to take more pictures and I didn't want to stop so basically I glued it like the picture above. Then I would recommend cutting the curves and sanding it but because my saws weren't working i just used a belt sander clamped to the table to create the curves and my disc sander for the rest. Before applying finish this is how it looked. I placed some chap stick for scale.
Here it is after a few coats of spray finish. It kind of bugged me that the saw wasn't working to cut it because I could have made a bigger one instead but this one is kind of cute anyway.
Pretty cool.