I have been busy but my latest video isn't working on my computer so you're stuck with blog posts until I can get the video onto YouTube. I have a few projects I can't show just yet as well but I did finish a project that I was asked to make. It's two reindeer for Christmas decorations.
I was given the plans a while ago but couldn't work them in until just recently. There wasn't a set date but I knew I wanted them finished before December because obviously they would be on display for Christmas and most people start decorating after Thanksgiving, which was the first due date I set for myself but it got closer and I knew I wasn't going to hit that date and had to settle for December.
I used transfer paper provided with the plans to draw out one piece of every part on 1/2" plywood then rough cut them with a jigsaw. I was then able to cut closer to the line with less chip out on the scroll saw for most of the pieces. There were a few spots on the bodies that were just too big and ended up hitting the scroll saw, stopping any progress. For those parts I used a file and sandpaper to shape them. After that I sanded all the edges right to the line. I then very roughly cut any additional parts that had multiples of the same pieces, like the legs, and used a pattern bit in my router to copy the shape from a piece that I had already completely finished shaping . After every piece was cut out there was a ton of finish sanding to do. Lastly three coats of exterior white paint on every side of each piece. There's no finish besides paint so that over the years the reindeer can be easily touched up if any damage or wear occurs.
Here they are all laid out ready for paint which I applied with a roller for most parts and a smaller paint brush on the edges.
I took a picture in my house before I delivered them. Cali seems to like to photo bomb the lower left of my pictures without me noticing.
And here they are on display looking so much better among the greenery and other Christmas decor. (Cali didn't manage to make it into this one which would have been a huge surprise to me as this isn't our house.)